
Select transitions
None - Default

How do you know your site is working?

You don't. Unless you monitor it

Challenge - I

  • Changing the style on a page might break others
  • We’re often unaware of issues caused - unrelated pages, only on specific devices etc
  • This happens on changes introduced post-launch as well
  • Manual QA not a feasible solution
  • Automated testing doesn’t catch visual problems

Challenge - II

  • Confirm live site uptime
  • Validate key features are functional
  • Embedded elements we have no control on, might provide key functionality (StripeJS, Facebook comment, Google login)

Shoov - Gizra's testing toolkit

Solution I - Visual Monitoring

  • Automatic process constantly takes screenshots in various browsers and devices
  • Compares to expected page format (baseline image)
  • Alerts dev team when the page changed

Solution I - Visual Monitoring

Visual Monitoring (Mobile Emulation)

Visual Monitoring (Cross Browsers)

No Vendor Lock-In

Solution II - Live Monitoring

  • Test code written in any language (e.g. Behat, CasperJs, etc') runs against live site
  • Alerts dev team when a test failed
  • Keeps log of test actions - devs can immediately reproduce the error and start debugging

Live Monitoring (Functional Tests)

Live Monitoring (One Click Setup)

Live Monitoring (Real Time Logs)

Live Monitoring Example

# .shoov.yml
  - selenium

  # GitHub username
  - secure: "8a0e4139d27a8f1cec757c485eaa3ca5a038074ced07af46a90959db331a2dd8a7c8"

  # GitHub password
  - secure: "8a0e4139d27a8f1cec757c485eaf2eb3a1210953ec078f41ab037d93261332d58ed51849fce6258a"

  - cd behat
  # Instead of composer install, we save time by getting
  # a gzipped file with the vendor and bin directories.
  - tar zxf behat-vendor.tar.gz
  - cp behat.local.yml.shoov behat.local.yml

  - ./bin/behat --tags=~wip